Your Go-To Marketing Agency

Data-Led Strategies. Focused on Your Needs.

What We Deliver

We specialize in digital advertising on Google, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Together with external partners, we also offer services like social media management, graphic design, and more. Our goal is straightforward: maximize your ROI through data-driven strategies, all while keeping you updated with transparent reporting.

  • We don't believe in one-size-fits-all plans. Instead, we sit down with you to figure out what your brand really needs to shine online. From there, we build a tailored digital marketing strategy designed just for you, focusing on the goals that matter most to your business.

  • Feeling stuck or just not sure what your next marketing move should be? We're here to help. We'll take a close look at what you're currently doing and give you clear, actionable advice to make things better.

  • In our coaching sessions, we focus on what really matters: equipping your team with the practical knowledge and strategies they need for effective digital marketing. Expect clear, actionable guidance that your team can apply immediately for better results.

  • We perform digital marketing audits to fine-tune your ad accounts. Using our marketing audit checklist, we identify what's working and recommend data-driven ways to improve.

  • We manage your Google Ads, Meta Ads, and LinkedIn campaigns with a focus on smooth operation and ongoing optimization for better results.

  • We track the performance of your digital advertising campaigns and keep you in the loop with automated reports. You get clear, actionable insights that help you make informed decisions for better campaign outcomes.

The Impact We Make


The Backstory of Three Chapter Media

I've spent 6+ years in digital marketing, transitioning from freelance projects to in-house roles, and eventually leading a team responsible for advertising campaigns for brands like LIDL, Douglas, and Toyota while at a notable agency.

This background led me to establish Three Chapter Media, an agency that tackles common client frustrations by emphasizing clear communication and data-driven strategies, with the aim to build effective, long-lasting partnerships.

- Mantas Mereckis (founder)

Let’s connect on LinkedIn

Get started on your tailored strategy - reach out today!

Schedule a 45-min call to discuss your business goals. We'll develop a winning strategy that offers:

  • Well-defined KPIs

  • Valuable campaign insights

  • A comprehensive 90-day roadmap